How to Minecraft Wiki Offline




How to Minecraft Wiki Oflline is a guide to the popular game Minecraft. It allow acces to guides, tips and item details from mobile device.


- How to cheat

- Cheats

- Crafting (guide) : building blocks, decoration blocks, redstone, transportation, food stuffs, tools, combat, brewing, materials, miscellaneous

- Commands : server commands, world edit, magic tricks, magioc carpet, craft book, global commands

- Id's List

- offline content

*This app is not created by Mojang, nor is it affiliated, or supported be them at all. (Mojang is the company who create Minecraft.)
** Constantly update our wiki
Disclaimer: This How to Minecraft Wiki Offline serves as a offline directory for easier navigation on mobile devices for crafting guide, cheats, commands. This app is no way affliated with any minecraft wiki and doe not claim ownership of any of the content provide from it; all applicable content rights regarding ownership are given to the owners.

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Details zur App

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EntwicklerDaily Candy Mobile
KategorieBücher & Nachschlagewerke
Datum16. August 2014
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